Travel Diaries: Trip to Kehl, Germany

Hello my lovelies, guess who’s back… back again (*stops singing*) It’s your girl Nish. After a taking a year off to pursue my degree, I’m back for the summer holidays and the first thing I want to get back into is writing. If I have to be honest, I’m going to hold my hands up high and admit that whilst being at uni I struggled to find time for my blog. However, this hasn’t stopped me from jotting down ideas of what I want to share with you all. Firstly, starting off with my travel diaries.

In April, my two friends and I were fortunate enough to be given the chance to go to southwestern Germany, in a town called Kehl.

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Fortunate, to have witnessed the beauty of Germany at it’s finest. My Friends and I walked through this beautiful park at its golden hour. I had never seen the ‘golden hour’ in the UK, and the pictures don’t do it justice. Truly, I had felt a serenity in this atmosphere.

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This town is famous for its river Rhine that is located directly opposite the French city of Strasbourg, which was where we were staying. It was only a half an hour walk on the bridge from Strasbourg to Kehl, Germany.

Although I was only there for three hours, it is a beautiful town which I wish I could have explored more and would recommend to anyone who wants to travel around Germany to definitely visit this surrounding for its phenomenal aesthetics.

Until next time





Netball Tour Experience 2018

Its weird to think that after just 6 months of university you could be going on holiday with a group of people that one year ago you had no idea even existed and have probably one of the best weeks of your life. Those who have never been on tour and is wondering what to expect, then read my experience where I will spill all the low down on what actually happens.

The time had finally had come for the netball girls to go on TOUR! It was during our Easter break when we left for Croatia. I was under the illusion that it was going to be a lovely girls holiday when I realised what I had gotten myself into. The duration of tour was 4 days at Croatia and another 2 days of travelling. we had a coach journey of 28 hours to get there from our university, which I wasn’t a fan of the ‘life on the road’. During the coach journey, I had to eat baby food which till this date I can’t get the taste out of my mouth, eughhh! We were sharing the coach which the football boys at the back, the ruby boy and cheerleaders downstairs. The most memorable moment at that point was when I got dared to go to the back of the tour bus, wearing baby shades, shower cap on my head, I had to convince one of the football boys to eat the baby food off my fingers. The cringe-worthy moment when I had to pitch this amazing idea to them and much to my amusement someone had actually agreed. The forfeit was always going to be worse so I didn’t refuse as much as I wanted to. Although, now looking back at it and telling my friends the tour life story everyone finds it quite funny, which it was. The journey there was one of the best parts due to the level of fun we had. All the freshers had to play ‘Take me out’ (famous British TV dating show) which was funny, it provided a chance to get to know the other societies on tour. Furthermore, freshers were made to sing KARAOKE!! My favourite 😀 the whole coach got to witness the next Rihanna (jokes aside) I had to do it with a friend so obviously, we were going to choice High School Musical pfft. who wouldn’t?.

When we arrived, we were allocated a villa to share between four people. Continuing on, for our stay, we had to wake up early in the morning, have breakfast with everyone with one twist we weren’t allowed cutlery!! I repeat, NO CUTLERY! After breakfast, we had to take part in the challenges, trials and tasks. All freshers were allocated a returner, in a nutshell, we were slaves and belonged to our returner. Luckily, I had got a nice returner compared to the other girls. THANK THE LORD!

On tour, you had to do things that you generally wouldn’t like to do, I won’t mention somethings because my brain currently trying to block things out. Despite this, I guess I can reveal a few things we had to break into another villa and steal someone’s pants (which we returned), crawled around the pool on our hands and knees which was painful multiple times, my knees were grazed. Freshers were made to jump into the pool for 20 minutes straight, then made a synchronised swimming performance and ate god knows what we were made to. Some tasks were worse than others but ones I did enjoy was crowd surfing.

We had dinner at the resort and then got ready for a night out this is when we let our hair down and really enjoy the night as a team. All the girls would meet up in one villa, for a massive Pre’s. We would sing netball chants, play games, sing and dance to our favourite songs and take the cutest girl group pictures. Next, we would head to several clubs at our resort. Now, looking back, I would say I would look forward to this part. For each night, we were given outfits to wear on the night, such as: Cone outfit, superhero, lifeguards, and tourist outfit. Cool costumes, however, we weren’t allowed makeup, we had fake tan on and drawings on our face+limps.

As fun as it seems, being a fresher on tour was challenging and mentally frustrating at times, I can only compare it to the nortious ‘Standford Prision Experiment’ when we had to do our challenges. For me, it really tested my patience, I went through with the majority of the things and took everything on the chin.

It was an experience, which I will always remember, for the good times, sad times and the fun times. I loved meeting amazing people I had gotten to know through this trip and I loved tour because I had gotten out of my comfort zone and tried things which I had never imagined myself doing. So, if you are a university student then what are you waiting for. It will be an experience and a laugh you will never forget. I would do it all again but maybe not as a fresher. If you have the funds, it really is a no-brainer.

Until next time,



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Closed Heart {POETRY}


The pain I have felt is unbearable, who knew you would be so deceitful.

Only I know how I covered this up for so long.

Suppressing every ounce of memory, we shared, it still hurts knowing that you once cared.

We started this journey, just you & I. Fell in love, why did I?

Decided this wasn’t right, you let go, in pain and confusion I sorrowed.

Wish I could go back in time, rescue myself from all this trouble.

If only I’d been smart, why was I seen as an art, and now I wouldn’t have a closed heart.

I was happy, now I feel empty. You broke my heart but left my soul. Hole, so big I don’t know if it can ever be fixed.

Intention should have been true, why didn’t I see the clues. Too busy being amused.

Now I’m stranded, marooned.

I’d tell myself why did I ever go there, regret piles up, erupts, but deep down I know, what I have lost.

Something I want back in my life, something I didn’t know would be so dear. Something irreplaceable.

It was sweet I remember, I was happy, super nova. Something I want to forget but will always be there. Our time was like treasure, nothing else can measure. Wasn’t I good enough?

Locked, mocked and now a closed heart remains. I’m shooked.



Eid 2017 Experience/ Eid Makeup Look


eid 2Hey my lovelies, apologies for being so M.I.A lately. I’ve been seriously engaged with Ramadan which a blessed holy month for Muslims, during this course we fast from sunrise to sunset for 30 days straight. It’s a month of self-reflect, doing good deeds, refraining from any bad habits that you may wish to stop, and heavily immersing yourself in charity work. Anyways that can be another blog post in itself. After Ramadan comes to an end, we celebrate Eid which is a joyous occasion, a bit like Christmas if you have to compare but better. On Eid, we go to the mosque for our special Eid prayer, come back home and eat delicious Eid breakfast like ‘handesh’, ‘nonofitah’, ‘lassi’, ‘chotpoti’ and ‘SAMOSAS!’. We have family, relatives, friends and neighbours who come to celebrate, this year was extra special for my mum because her sister and her family from Italy had come down to celebrate Eid day with us. My aunt informed me that it had been 22 years since they last celebrated it together. We opened up our presents and received beautiful clothing, which we wore on the day. This year we had a total of four families to feed, my mum and I prepared all the food the night before it was hectic as we finished at 4:30 am. As my dad’s side of the family and mum’s side of the family all arrived, all the children receive ‘Eidi’ (money) from all the elders in the family, as a blessing. Receiving presents, clothing, eating good homemade food, going over to families houses was pretty fun.          Being with all the cousins was pure banter, everyone’s slayed in their outfits and we captured amazing family photos. After lunch/dinner is over at ours, we head over to my uncles and aunties house and other few relatives house before we all call it a night.


Those who have complimented me on snapchat and other social media, you have made my day so thank you!! As I have promised some people who asked how I achieved this look, all the product details are listed below:


  • Rimmel’s Primer.
  • Bourjois’s Healthy mix serum.
  • Maybelline’s Instant Anti-Age Pefect and Cover Concealer.
  • Laura Mercier’s Loose Setting Translucent Powder.


  • Benfit’s Hoola bronzer.
  • Barry M’S Contour Cream Kit.
  • Mac’s Soft and Gentle Highlighter.


  • Anastasia Beverly Hills’ Modern Renaissance.
  • ABH’S Dipbrow pomade.
  • Ingot’s Gel liner.
  • Ardel whispy dope lashes from ebay.


  • Primark’s lipliner -mulberry shade.
  • DOSE of Colour- Shade in Truffle.


Thank you for reading, Eid Mubarak to those who are celebrating and even if you’re not have a blessed day. This year’s eid was super fun, hope everyone slayed in their outfits, make the perfect triangle shaped samasa and enjoyed this amazing festive day.

Until next time,

NishUnleashed ❤



A psychological thriller that is tastefully executed, you’re constantly left wondering what will happen next. This book is for those who like slow build ups to a satisfying ending, it will keep you guessing on who did it until the very end where a surprising twist occurs that is not anticipated.

This story is told from three different perspectives: Rachel, Megan and Anna. They don’t really know each other at all in the beginning, but we learn that their lives are intertwined.The story is mostly told through Rachel, who lives in the suburbs outside of London. She rides the train to ‘work’ every day so her roommate wouldn’t find out that actually she lost her job two years ago and worry about how she will pay the rent. As she’s on the train she takes pleasure on observing a particular couple which she becomes fixated on, she knows nothing of them yet elaborates their life. Without giving away too much, Megan goes missing and Rachel becomes involved in this mystery mainly because she’s a suspect herself as she can’t seem to remember what actually happened on that night.This book takes you on twists and turns that you do not expect.

What I really like about it is that I’ve never read a book from a self-proclaimed alcoholic. Rachel’s character isn’t likeable and in fact, it can be frustrating because she is not able to stop herself from drinking, makes poor decisions throughout the book. Moreover, I love how the author develops the character, lets us unveil the flaws of each character and overall the author is so unpredictable.

The themes that ran throughout the book is ‘the perfect life’,  ‘perfect relationship’, ‘the perfect job’. It’s sad to see that some people are willing to go to great lengths to achieve the common dream of the ‘perfect life’ and what people will sacrifice or what people will do to others to secure those things for themselves. Nonetheless, This book has shed light into our society on traditional gender roles -men being sole providers whilst women’s purpose is staying indoors and to bear children. Very old fashioned.

I’d highly recommend this book.  After I read the book I watched the movie to draw out comparisons. I’m disappointed that the movie did not live up to my expectations and was nowhere good as the book. In the film, the characters are not developed, I felt that it was very much rushed, many scenes were not included, couldn’t comprehend the characters as I was able to do in the book.

Thank you for reading, hope this helped one way or another.

until next time,








Post Exam Feelings.


When exams and university are over and you’re back home for the summer holidays, reality as I once knew has changed, undoubtedly. The rhythm that you have familiarised yourself with over the last 8 months e.g sleeping, eating, socialising has now become out of touch. I don’t know about anyone else but I’m finding it difficult to maintain the healthy self I was prior uni life. My sleep cycle has gotten longer my body craves energy drinks (sole reason of getting through uni) and oh I’ve also become a professional procrastinator. If you’re thinking my parents are pleased with my flattering habit? then you’re right…I wish.

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My goal for this summer is to explore as much as I can, read all those books I’d received for my birthday and to eat regularly, anticipating that will slowly inducing me back to my biological rhythm.

Reading this back, it may sound rather pessimistic and gloomy, but let me assure you It’s not. I cannot express the amount of peace and relaxation I have felt since being back at home. Seeing my college friends, spending time with my siblings and being fed to death by the parents is not too shabby. In fact, it feels great, almost as if I’m living a double life so move over Hannah Montana cuz it’s me who’s living ‘the best of both worlds.

Although, I cannot say I’ve missed the sound of seagulls waking me up because I haven’t, however that is a small price to pay to live when you live in Brighton.

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A further point, with time, you gets accustomed to whatever situation you’re put in, It’s about keeping the stuff that matters and what makes you happy, everything else is irrelevant. My Grandma once told be to be an opportunist and make the most of what you have, so I’m grateful for the next 3 months of absolutely nothing to do as a result I get to recharge to work harder next year or maybe we all can use this time make something great out of it.

Until next time,



1st Year of University Experience

It is safe to say that my first year at University is over. All coursework and assignments submitted, exams all completed and I’m ready to catch up on all the sleep I have lost over the last two stressful month due to hardcore revision. The time has come for me to say farewell to the captivating University of Greenwich until September. Reflecting back now brings back those apprehensions I had before I commenced my solo journey. Accommodations, flatmates, freshers week, friends, the course are amongst many things new university student worry about but these feelings are normal. I promise everything sorts itself out, the important thing is to keep a positive open mindset. Other than that, let’s keep on rolling.


The accommodation I received wasn’t my first choice, in return, I was allocated at the University campus half an hour away. Now, looking back, it wasn’t so bad as it allowed me to make friends on the bus and granted me time to ponder in my thoughts whilst listening to music or complete reading a book. Furthermore, I’ve got to say that I have been extremely lucky in the department of receiving the best flatmates I could possibly ask for. A part of me is in despair that I won’t be living with such chilled, funny and lovely people who have shared so many wonderful memories and taught me so much like how to make custard (lol). I can never forget our numerous shopping sprees in Central London, our late night conversations, movie nights, the dinners we prepared for the each other, our kitchen dance and the endless amount of love I have gained, you guys made my first year so comfortable, so thank you.


They say that the time and experiences you have at university are priceless and to be honest, I used to think that was a load of nonsense used to justify the extortionate fees they charge us. However, I have begun to realise that parts of those statements are true. Since starting uni, I have honestly met so many amazing people, some of which have now become some of my closest friends. The sense of community is great; there’s never a dull day when you have great friends that make life more vivid and more enjoyable. As well I’m excited for next year where I will be living with my friends, I can already predict that it is going to be the party flat (lol). So I’m hopeful for what the future holds.

Furthermore, going to a university in London has many advantages as it is near several communications and hot destinations; on the other side of the river themes we have Canary Wharf, where me and my friends would often go to satisfy our hunger for shake shack; the O2 which has a cinema and loads of restaurants; China Town, Leicester Square and Westfield’s is only a few stations away. To be honest there is an endless list of things to do which I look forward to in the new academic year.


Being a law student isn’t easy; like all the other degrees hard work, determination and perseverance is essential to unlocking potential. An advice is to not to fall behind on lectures/seminars because you are a fresher. Yes! it’s fun to go out and enjoy a night out however there are deadlines & exams which will require your undivided attention therefore it should always be your upmost priority. But it doesn’t mean you can’t do both, its important to have a balance. Many have asked me, ‘what’s it like being a university student?’ I’d say it is difficult but manageable. In my opinion A-levels were more stressful than a degree however the subject taught as a degree level is far more concentrated and the content is loads. As Law student i have recalled so many cases, articles and legal instruments which at the beginning of the year I thought was impossible which elicits the fact that ‘we will get the fruits of our hard labour’ as my parents once advised me.


Until next time,



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Quick Fix Facials Review


We all have a beauty ritual whether it is in the morning before setting out or at night after a long exhausting day. It is important that we look after our skin and treat it accordingly to its need. Whether you want to shrink your pores or sooth your fine lines Quick Fix Facials has it all. They cater for all skin imperfections. I stumbled across this brand when I was on FaceTime to one of my uni friends, I was taken back at how quickly this mask worked its magic. Obvious to point out it’s in the name ‘quick’ fix but truly, it only required 10 minutes and it left a clear, smooth and a glowing complexion. I had to jump in on the bandwagon to test the waters so I brought every single mask they had brought out, in total there is six. Fortunately, boots were having an offer for 3 for 2, so it was hard for me not to satisfy my need to expand my collection for a good face mask. Overall, I would highly recommend these face masks, none of them have let my skin down as well as it has done what it said on the label. It has consistently made my skin feel amazing, fresh and clear hence why I felt the obligation to let everyone know about these products.


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‘Mega Moisture Mask’ retailed at Boots for £4.99

The first mask to be under the scope is the ‘Mega Moisture Mask’ specifically made for those who suffer from thirsty, parched and dry skin which is in need of some TLC. This mask slightly hints of strawberry aroma and consists of Hyaluronic Acid useful for retaining moisture and helps provide deep hydration to the skin.







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‘Purifying Charcoal Mask’ retailed in boots for £4.99

Next, it’s no secret that every girl has a charcoal mask, this one has to be my favourite one so far, this defeats the L’Oreal charcoal mask which has been the fave of the 2017 facial mask. Environmental Toxins, dirt, and debris have played havoc with our skins resulting in blackheads and whiteheads overall making our skins look unhealthy. Active charcoal is rich in minerals and helps clear deep dwelling pores and free skins of toxins and impurities. This mask also smells of cinnamon which not only makes this mask smell delicious but it also acts as an antiseptic and astringent property to help clarify skin.

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‘Vitamin C Miracle Mask’ Boots £4.99


Furthermore, the overnight glow boost mask is absolutely divine. If you suffer from dull and tired skin that needs some restoration of life back into your face then this mask is your hero. This mask has vitamin C which is known to enhance skin radiance and glow also has papaya extracts which are rich in omega 6 and 9. I use this before bed and wake up to a healthy glow. Another plus point is that this product smells like orange.



Exfoliating Scrub Mask helps with stubborn and reoccurring blackheads, clogged pores and skin in need of a deep and thorough clean. This product has pink rose clay- which helps to deep cleanse and decongest the skin. Pomegranate extract- to help encourage radiant skin. I must say the beads for the scrubs are not firm as I like on my skin and it doesn’t feel it is doing anything on face unlike the other mask however you can see results after you wash the residue of your face.

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‘Exfoliating Scrub Mask’ Boots £4.99


If you suffer from oily, congested, blemished prone skins or in general have combinational skin type (like me) then this anti-blemish mud mask will serve you well. It has Green Clay and Kaolin which helps to cleanse the skin by drawing out impurities also has Willow Bark which aids in maintaining clear pores. I have noticed after two uses my spots have reduced and almost disappeared and I have only had this product for 5 days.

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‘Anti-Blemish Mud Mask’ Boots £4.99

Initially when I brought the collagen lift mask I was hesitant as I didn’t know what it was for and when I found out it was used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles I was sceptical because a) how does a produce reverse signs of aging and b) I don’t have any wrinkles so thought this product was not for me however the inner me wouldn’t rest in peace until I had tested this, and I’m glad I did because I fell in love with this product literally. It has Collagen which helps improve skin’s suppleness and elasticity; Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin E aids in plumping the skin with moisture and promote cellular renewal; Passion flower oil a superior oil rich in vitamin C, Calcium and Charcoal and Volcanic Lava sand which is useful to draw out impurities and remove dead skin cells to reveal a healthier glow. If I was forced to live on an island with only one of the quick fix mask, I’d have to go with this one because it makes my skin look flawless, soft, supple, glow, tightens and radiant and smooths my smile lines. LOVE the overall finish and feel of this mask and would recommend it to everyone because it is suitable for all skin types.

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‘Collagen Lift Mask’ Boots £4.99

Thank you for reading my first blog. I hope this helps figure out which mask is suitable for your face or if you are curious about these masks and want to research before purchasing. Feel free to comment and let me know if you like this kind of blog and would like more of these in the future.


Until next time,



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